HDPE pipe fitting Supplier

Polyethylene Pipe:
 Polyethylene has grown to become one of the world’s most widely used and recognized thermoplastic materials. We offer extremely efficient HDPE pipes made from material grade PE-100 that designed for pressure, non pressure applications are built in temperature control technology. These pipes are highly stable and reliable for wide range of applications. They are also high in efficiency and have a high melting temperature.
HDPE – Better Piping Solutions
High density polyethylene plastic pipe (HDPE) delivers exceptional value, unwavering reliability and remarkable advantages over conventional types of piping. It’s today’s right choice for water, drainage, fuel gas, conduit and plumbing & heating. Other reason HDPE is a superior choice:
• Long-term service life 
• Highly-resistant to corrosion, abrasion and chemicals 
• Strong, durable, flexible and lightweight 
• Longer-length pipe with leak-proof joints 
• Lower labor requirements for installations 
• Significant overall cost savings
Municipal & Industrial Division
High density polyethylene (HDPE) has been used for municipal and industrial water applications for almost 50 years. HDPE’s heat-fused joints create a leak free, self restraint, monolithic pipe structure that allows the pipe to be pulled from one area to another with minimum disruption to traffic or the environment; the fused joint will also eliminate infiltration into the pipe and exfiltration into the environment. HDPE has other benefits which include chemical, abrasion, fatigue, seismic and corrosion resistance.
The Municipal and Industrial Division includes but is not limited to the following applications:
Potable Water
Forced Main Sewer
Please click on each application for detailed information. HDPE has been used in drinking water pipe applications for almost 50 years and has been gaining approval and growth in municipalities ever since. HDPE is specified and/or approved in AWWA C901, AWWA C906, NSF 14, NSF 16 and ASTM D3035. Also, HDPE has been is use for sewer pipe applications for more than 30 years. Independent testing of HDPE in sewer service for 25 years showed no significant changes in the material’s physical or chemical properties. Also, HDPE’s unique characteristics have made it the product of choice for numerous mining pipe applications. It is a proven product in rugged terrains, extreme climates and changing site environments. HDPE is also preferred in industrial pipe applications because the hazardous nature of some chemicals being transported in industrial pipe applications is protected by HDPE’s fused joint.
Potable Water Application:
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Solid Wall Pipe has been used in Potable Water applications since the ’60’s, and has been gaining approval and growth in municipalities ever since. HDPE Pipe is specified and/or approved in AWWA C901, AWWA C906, NSF 14, NSF 61 and ASTM D3035. Some distinctive advantages of HDPE pipe that provide important benefits for water applications are listed below:
1. Heat Fused Joints — Benefits
HDPE pipe can be heat fused together to form a joint that is as strong as or stronger than the pipe itself and is leak free. 
This eliminates the potential leak points every 10-20 feet as found with PVC and Ductile Iron bell and spigot connections.
The Life Cycle Cost of HDPE pipe differs from other pipe materials because the “allowable water leakage” is zero rather than typical leakage rates of 10 to 20% for PVC and Ductile Iron. 
HDPE pipe fused joints are self restraining and costly thrust restraints or thrust blocks are not required. 
HDPE pipe’s fused joints simply do not leak, eliminating infiltration and exfiltration problems experienced with alternate pipe joints. 
2. Flexible and Fatigue Resistant — Benefits
HDPE pipe can be bent to a radius 25 times the nominal pipe diameter (Example: 12” HDPE can be cold formed in the field to a 25ft radius). This can eliminate many fittings required for directional changes in a piping system where fittings and thrust blocks or restraints are required with alternate materials. 
The flexibility of HDPE pressure pipe makes it well suited for dynamic soils including areas prone to earthquake. 
HDPE pressure pipe can accept repetitive pressure surges that significantly exceed the static pressure rating of the pipe.
3. Construction Advantages — Benefits
The combination of flexibility and leak free joints allow for unique and cost effective types of installation methods that the rigid PVC and Ductile Iron pipes can’t use with bell and spigot connections. These alternate installation methods (Horizontal Directional Drilling, Pipe Bursting, Sliplining, Plow and Plant, Submerged or Floating Pipe, etc.) can save considerable time and money in most potable water applications. 
Polyethylene pipe is produced in straight lengths up to 50 foot long and coiled in diameters up through 6”. Coiled lengths over 1000ft are available depending on size providing low cost installations.. 
Polyethylene is about one-eighth the density of steel, it does not require the use of heavy lifting equipment for installation.
4. Cost Effective, Long Term and Permanent — Benefits
Polyethylene pipe installations are cost effective and have long term cost advantages due to its physical properties, leak free joints and reduced maintenance costs. 
The polyethylene pipe industry estimates a service life for HDPE pipe to conservatively be 50-100 years. This relates to savings in replacement costs for generations to come.
5. Corrosion and Chemical Resistant — Benefit
HDPE pipe will not corrode tuberculation or support biological growth.
HDPE pipe has superb chemical resistance and is the material of choice in harsh chemical environments 
The advantages of corrosion and chemical resistance over traditional metal pipes are shared by many plastic pipes, but HDPE pipe uniquely combines these attributes with the aforementioned advantages of heat fused joints, flexibility and fatigue resistance. 
6. Handling — Benefits
It is much easier to handle and install HDPE pipe vs. the heavier, rigid metallic or concrete pipe segments, allowing for huge cost advantages in the construction process. 
Polyethylene pipe is better able to structurally withstand an impact than PVC pipe, especially in cold weather installations when other pipes are more prone to cracks and breaks.
7. Hazen Williams C Factor is 150 and doesn’t change over time – Benefit
HDPE pipe has a smooth ID that does not corrode or tuberculate and maintains its flow capability over time. 
The C Factor of Ductile Iron pipe is dramatically reduced over time due to corrosion and/or tuberculation. 
According to the Federal Highway Administration, utilities spend $36 billion annually on corrosion protection of pipes. Is your municipality contributing to these expenditures? If the answer is yes, then specify HDPE pipe. It does not corrode or tuberculation, long-life cycle reduces your maintenance budget and increases your billable water.
Sewer – Force Main
After more than 30 years of use in M&I sewer applications, polyethylene (PE) pipe is a proven solution. Independent testing of PE in sewer service for 25 years showed no significant changes in the material’s physical or chemical properties. The inherent properties of HDPE accommodate all the desired performance characteristics needed for these demanding applications:
Forced Sewer Mains
Pipeline Rehabilitation or Trenchless Pipeline Replacement
Combined Storm and Sanitary Sewer Lines
Sludge Lines
Intake and Outfall Lines
Culvert Relining
Digester Lines
Complete Systems (Open and Closed)
Distinct Advantages
PE pipe provides several important benefits when used in sewer applications. These benefits include: 
1. Inflow and Infiltration (I & I) is totally eliminated, therefore minimizing the I & I in wet weather conditions on gravity flow systems. 
2. Total corrosion resistance. 
3. Cost-effective installation. 
Sewer and Wastewater Application
There are several distinct advantages of PE pipe that provide important benefits for sewer and wastewater applications. These benefits are listed below.
1. Heat Fused Joints – Benefits
HDPE pipe’s fused joints do not leak, eliminating infiltration and inflow problems experienced with alternate pipe joints. 
HDPE pipe can be heat fused together to form a joint that is as strong as or stronger than the pipe itself and is leak-free.
This eliminates the potential leak points every 10-20 feet as found with PVC and Ductile Iron bell-and-spigot connections. 
The Life Cycle Cost of HDPE pipe differs from other pipe materials because the “allowable water leakage” is zero rather than typical leakage rates of 10 to 20% for PVC and Ductile Iron. 
HDPE pipe fused joints are self-restraining and do not require costly thrust restraints or thrust blocks. 
2. Chemical Resistant – Benefits
PE is highly resistant to the wet, hydrogen sulfide gas and the low concentration acid found in a sanitary sewer.
PE pipe will not corrode, tuberculation or support biological growth 
To review information on PE’s resistance to various chemicals. (TR-19/2000) 
Superior chemical resistance to aggressive soils.
3. Abrasion Resistant – Benefit
PE is abrasion resistant and is well suited for the solids environment in sewer applications.
4. Construction Advantages – Benefits
The combination of flexibility and leak-free joints allow for unique and cost-effective types of installation methods that the rigid PVC and Ductile Iron pipes can’t use with bell-and-spigot connections. These alternate installation methods (Horizontal Directional Drilling, Pipe Bursting, Slip lining, Plow and Plant, Submerged or Floating Pipe, etc.) can save considerable time and money in most applications. 
Polyethylene pipe is produced in straight lengths up to 50 feet long and coiled in diameters up through 6 inches. Coiled lengths over 1,000 feet are available (depending on size) providing low cost installations. 
Polyethylene is about one-eighth the density of steel and does not require the use of heavy lifting equipment for installation.
PE pipe ideal for mining applications
For more than 30 years, polyethylene (PE) pipe’s unique characteristics have made it the product of choice for numerous applications in the mining industry. It is a proven product in rugged terrains, extreme climates, and changing site environments. Heat-fused joints create a monolithic structure that allows long lengths of pipe to be pulled from one area to another. PE pipe’s flexibility, abrasion resistance and leak-free joints have helped the product prove itself long-term in demanding environments. 
Polyethylene pipe is the accepted standard for these mining applications:
Solution Mining
Heap Leaching
Process Water
Process Slurry
Water Transportation
Tailings Transportation
Dust Suppression
Mine Dewatering
Pit Dewatering
Specific PE pipe advantages in mining
When it comes to selecting pipe materials for mining applications, the two most important factors are security and reliability. The pipe must be rustproof, break-resistant and corrosion-free. It must safeguard the environment and protect the taxpayer. It must have a track record that professional engineers and installers respect.
If you want your pipe to meet and exceed those challenges, it must be polyethylene (PE) pipe.
Proven advantages of PE pipe for mining applications include:
Chemical and Abrasion Resistance
Low Cost
Ease of Installation
Pressure Surge Resistant
Chemical and Abrasion Resistance
PE pipe has proven itself over and over again in the variety of mineral process, ranging from low ph acids to high ph caustic solutions.
PE pipe has superb chemical resistance and is the material of choice in harsh chemical environments. 
PE pipe is also abrasion resistant and is well suited for the solids environment in mining applications. 
Pressure Surge Resistant
PE pipe for mining applications is semi-rigid to withstand high external loads as well as high internal pressure surges. Its flexible nature expands with pressure surges that increases the life of the pipeline and reduces maintenance costs.
Low Cost
Polyethylene pipe installations are cost effective and have long term cost advantages due to its physical properties, leak-free joints and reduced maintenance costs. 
The polyethylene pipe industry estimates the service life for PE pipe to conservatively be 50-100 years. This generates savings in replacement costs for generations to come.
In addition to the Life Cycle Capital Cost advantage of HDPE pipe, additional savings accrue to the owner because the “allowable water leakage” is zero rather than typical the leakage rates of 10% to 20% for PVC and Ductile Iron.
Ease of Installation
The combination of flexibility and leak free joints allow for unique and cost effective types of installation methods that the rigid PVC and Ductile Iron pipes can’t use with bell and spigot connections. These alternate installation methods (Horizontal Directional Drilling, Pipe Bursting, Slip lining, Plow and Plant, Submerged or Floating Pipe, etc.) can save considerable time and money in most applications. 
Polyethylene pipe is produced in straight lengths up to 50 feet long and coiled in diameters up through 6-inch. Coiled lengths over 1,000 feet are available depending on size providing low cost installations.
Polyethylene is about one-eighth the density of steel. It does not require the use of heavy lifting equipment for installation
“M&I Industrial
A pipe does more than just convey industrial liquids from one location to another. It must also be corrosion and abrasion resistant. It must be flexible and easy to install, and maintain a high flow coefficient throughout its service life of 50-100 years. And it must not leak.
With polyethylene pipe, you get all of these benefits. Because of the hazardous nature of some chemicals being transported, it is imperative that the system not leak. Heat fusing polyethylene pipe produces a leak free joint that is as strong if not stronger than the pipe itself in tension and pressure applications. These joints are self restrained. They need no thrust blocks or restraint harness except where the pipe attaches to a non-polyethylene system.
Polyethylene pipe is corrosion resistant and has a long history of use as an abrasion resistant material in mining applications. It is lightweight, easy to install, and reduces the number of fittings needed in a system because of its flexibility.
HDPE pipe is available for pressures up to 300 psi and constant service temperatures up to 140° F. Please see the chemical resistance chart in PPI TR-19 for the affects of different chemicals at different temperatures.
Industries Currently Using HDPE Pipe
Paper and Pulp Manufacturing
Power Plants
Semi-Conductor – Wafers
Plastic resin Manufacturers
Dredge operators
Clean and ultra-pure water process
Tank farms – fire loops and mains
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
Acid/Caustic Lines
SX Acid Mining
Factory Mutual Piping – Fire loops and mains
Organic Chemicals
Inorganic Chemicals
Hazardous Waste
Process Water
Dual Contained Systems
Cooling Water
Acid bath
Barge loading and unloading Tank storage
Dual Containment Piping Systems
Tailings lines
Liquor, bleaching, and caustic acid lines
Pipe rehabilitation in both plant and out of plant piping.
Dredge piping
Pit dewatering
Power Plants, fresh water and discharge. Spent fuel slurry (fly ash and bottom ash)

Contact: +92-321-224897


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